SAS is an international organisation dedicated to researching, developing and providing effective neuro-sensory intervention techniques that strengthen sensory processing, language, memory and understanding and that enhance physical abilities, speech, reading and writing and that improve behaviour, social skills and emotional well-being.
Our methodology is firmly based on scientifically proven principles and we gather data on the effectiveness of our programmes through six distinct routes:
- Pre and post programme assessment test results;
- Observations by our trained staff during the assessment and programme delivery stages;
- Anecdotal feedback by clients, parents, caretakers or teachers, both during and post programmes;
- Standardised post-programme feedback forms from clients or parents (see below);
- Independent feedback from educational establishments involved in SAS research projects;
Independent research by recognised academic research establishments such as Teaching Hospitals and Universities.
Quick Links:
- Client Profile
- Client Feedback - Overall
- Client Feedback - Learning Difficulties
- Client Feedback - Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity
- Client Feedback - Dyslexia
- Client Feedback - Asperger's Syndrome / Autism / GDD
- Client Feedback - Hearing & Speech
Client Profile
A representative sample of 1000 clients following a SAS Programme during 2011/12 provides the following client profile:
Age Groups
Where clients indicate more than one condition, all are taken into account, leading to a total greater than 100 %.
Client Feedback
Clients are requested to complete a post programme questionnaire, evaluating progress in 27 different categories by indicating:
- Great Improvement = +100 score;
- Good Improvement = +67 score;
- Some Improvement = +33 score;
- No Change = 0 score;
- Deterioration = -100 score;
- Not Applicable = not scored.
The aggregated mean scores are on a scale from -100 (all Deteriorate) through 0 (average No Change) to +100 (all Great Improvement). All positive scores indicate an improvement.
Overall Client Feedback (all conditions - mean score, n=254)
1.6 % of clients observed a Deterioration;
29.9 % of clients observed Some improvement;
40.2 % of clients observed Good improvement;
28.3 % of clients observed Great improvement.
The average (mean) scores of each category are listed, highest scores first. All positive scores indicate an improvement.
Learning Difficulties (mean score, n=75)
1.3 % of clients observed a Deterioration;
32.0 % of clients observed Some improvement;
36.0 % of clients observed Good improvement;
30.7 % of clients observed Great improvement.
The average (mean) scores of the most relevant 10 categories are listed, highest score first. All 27 categories show positive (improvement) results.
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity (mean score, n=130)
No clients observed a Deterioration;
26.2 % of clients observed Some improvement;
41.5 % of clients observed Good improvement;
32.3 % of clients observed Great improvement.
The average (mean) scores of the most relevant 10 categories are listed, highest score first. All 27 categories show positive (improvement) results.
Dyslexia (mean score, n=47)
No clients observed a Deterioration;
23.4 % of clients observed Some improvement;
36.2 % of clients observed Good improvement;
40.4 % of clients observed Great improvement.
The average (mean) scores of the most relevant 10 categories are listed, highest score first. All 27 categories show positive (improvement) results.
Asperger's Syndrome / Autism / GDD (mean score, n=60)
5.0 % of clients observed a Deterioration;
36.7 % of clients observed Some improvement;
40.0 % of clients observed Good improvement;
18.3 % of clients observed Great improvement.
The average (mean) scores of the most relevant 10 categories are listed, highest score first. All 27 categories show positive (improvement) results.
Hearing & Speech (mean score, n=47)
No clients observed a Deterioration;
25.5 % of clients observed Some improvement;
44.7 % of clients observed Good improvement;
29.8 % of clients observed Great improvement.
The average (mean) scores of the most relevant 10 categories are listed, highest score first. All 27 categories show positive (improvement) results.